EFT and Journey Therapy


Specialising in:

  • Anxiety/Panic Attacks

  • Grief/Loss

  • Fears/Phobias

During a session you sit fully clothed in a relaxed yet alert state. The EFT technique is very easy to use, during sessions you organically learn the basic technique which can be used anywhere on yourself. Through the session you release all of the blocked energy allowing the body to be naturally calmer. Combined with Matrix Re-imprinting to clear any old trauma, event or experience. Releasing any unhealthy beliefs such as “I’ll never be good enough”, “I’ve tried so many times to lose weight, It’s just not possible”. Bringing resolution and empowering clients with a positive way of being to move forward in a healthy way.


Both children and adults who wish to be free from their issue or achieve more abundance/success in any area of their life.

  • Fears/Phobias

  • Self confidence/Esteem

  • Bullying

  • Performance sports/music

  • Public Speaking

  • Exam Stress

  • Relationships

  • Health Issues

  • Addictions

  • Social pressure

  • Anxieties

  • Panic Attacks

  • Social media Addictions

  • Anger

  • Feeling like a failure

  • Asthma

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT/Tapping as it is known was pioneered by Gary Craig. The simplest way to describe EFT is its like acupuncture without the needles combined with modern psychology.

Matrix Re-imprinting was created by EFT Master Karl Dawson. It is an advanced version of EFT that combines quantum physics, inner child work.


Initial telephone consultation - 20min: FREE
Session - 60 min: £140


With Jas Dale


The Journey is a process pioneered by Brandon Bays. Brandon developed this process through healing herself from a tumour the size of a basketball in just 6 ½ weeks. You can read more about her story in the book “The Journey”.
In a session you will sit comfortably and be facilitated into a relaxed yet alert state. You will be guided through the journey process working on your particular issue. Through this experience you will uncover the old memory that is key to your particular issue. Release all of the old stored emotions and words which allows your cell receptors to open and healing to take place naturally at a cellular level. Each session is unique and tailored specifically to meet your personal needs. Leaving you free and empowered to move forward in your life.


Both children and adults who wish to be free from their issue or achieve more abundance/success in any area of their life.

  • Fears/Phobias

  • Self confidence/Esteem

  • Bullying

  • Performance sports/music

  • Public Speaking

  • Exam Stress

  • Relationships

  • Health Issues

  • Addictions

  • Social pressure

  • Anxieties

  • Panic Attacks

  • Social media Addictions

  • Anger

  • Stree

  • Feeling like a failure

  • Asthma


Contact the Courtyard Centre for a free 20 minute 'phone consultation with Jas if required.
1 Journey session (90 mins)  is £210
Bespoke programmes personally tailored available on request



"I experienced the journey after I had my first child. I had it as I was struggling with
some issues  which I now know were the result of insecurities from things that I
hadn't resolved from years ago. The deep-set issues were causing me stress, which
was leading me to have dermatitis as well as anger over small things. I felt on edge a
lot and the tiredness from having a baby added to it.  The journey gave me the chance
to go back and forgive the situation that was causing me resentment. I was instantly
back in control of my life, my skin cleared up. I moved on from something that was subconsciously holding me back for years probably a decade.  Thanks Jas for helping me let go of my demons."

General Wellbeing

"When I decided to contact Jas I had been suppressing my emotions for over forty years, leading to repeating cycles of depression and anxiety. Having recently experienced four bereavements over two years, I was pushing my grief and anger away in order to function at home and work, coping okay for short periods only for it to rise up again and overwhelm me, then back to suppressing it, and so on.    Jas supported and enabled me to acknowledge, accept and release the emotions surrounding my losses, and other issues that I wasn't aware of as problems.    She has a gentle, insightful way of helping you to become aware of issues in your life that need to be resolved.  After our meeting I felt light, clear and free of the weight of sadness and grief I had carried for so long.    I am now able to experience my emotions without fear, not suppressing them, freeing me from the cycle of depression and anxiety I had experienced for so long. 
My life is completely changed for the better.    I wholeheartedly recommend Jas, she is amazing, a truly gifted person, I am so grateful for the work she has helped me do in my life."                             Kim

"Having met Jas I immediately felt comfortable in her company, so I booked a journey session with her.   The results were both profound and immediate.  Jas has a high level of training in several therapeutic methods plus a deep grasp of the journey process. I felt  her approach was totally intuitive whilst using a variety of tools naturally and simultaneously.  I felt totally safe in her very capable hands.   I felt the effects immediately after the session and have already booked a second session.  I am very careful who I allow to work with my mind and have no hesitation at all in recommending Jas to you."
Jon Boys

Anxiety/Self Esteem/Sleep

"Before I started my treatment with Jas I was an emotional wreck, debilitated with anxiety issues. I am absolutely amazed at the results, my anxiety and self-esteem issues have disappeared and my sleeping patterns have improved. Jas is a proffesional, trustworthy individual and has had a major positive impact on my life. I thank her for my current state of happiness"

Physical Pain

"If like me you are tired of suffering and are fed up of taking tablets I cannot recommend this service enough. For the first time in 4 years, I am free from pain. I am still in shock! The way Jas works allowed me to feel comfortable and relaxed. It’s the best alternative treatment to medicine I have come across"

Anxiety/Panic Attacks

"When I contacted Jas back in February I was going through a particularly anxious period in my life. I have always had background anxiety and frequent panic attacks which have always centered on the same subject. If I’m completely honest, having tried most other remedies, I didn’t hold out much hope of EFT working for me but decided it was worth a try anyway.  How glad am I that I took that chance! Jas is extremely pleasant and very understanding. She had more patience with my condition than I myself did. We worked at a comfortable pace and although I was dealing with what had always been terrifying memories, not once did I feel unsafe or out of control.  I can safely say now that the panic attacks are gone, something I never thought I’d be able to say and I am actually able to sleep at night. Also the techniques learned mean that if I do encounter anything uncomfortable as life goes on, as frequently we all do, I can address it at the time and move forward in a calm state.
I would wholeheartedly recommend Jas and her work to anyone struggling with their emotions. I am in a place now that I could only dream of being in before."


"I was feeling frightened of my upcoming surgery and as soon as we sat down together I was aware of physical pain in my body.  Jas knew instinctively that it was related to the fear I had of surgery so she lovingly guided me through a process where I uncovered the core memories that had led me to be so frightened and helped me to reframe them.  Throughout the process, I felt completely safe and heard and by the end of it, the pain had completely disappeared and I no longer felt afraid. In fact, my body felt amazing.  The healing was very deep indeed. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Jas’ services to others.  She is a gifted facilitator and she has a wealth of healing resources which she uses intuitively and lovingly to follow and transform any issue that her client reveals." 
Carol C


"4 months ago, I attended 3 sessions with Jas, she worked thoroughly to ensure she got to the root cause of my problems. At the end of the sessions, I am sleeping right through the night. I have had headaches every week since I was a teenager, now in my 50's and can honestly say I have not had any since the last session. I would thoroughly recommend seeing Jas "

Weight Loss

"I had the pleasure of working with Jas on my long running issue of weight loss. A tender issue to say the least but Jas made me feel comfortable so that i was much more open to self exploration that i have previously been able to be. Whilst working with Jas I was able to identify and release the memory of a decision that I made at 14 that being thin was dangerous and in doing so I have experienced huge differences in my weightless journey.
Jas is exceptionally warm and kind and this shines through when she is working with you, you really do feel truly cared for."
Louise Alexander 


About Jas Dale

Jas has over 20 years experience coaching clients to achieve their full potential. She is passionate about helping people discover and clear the root cause of their issue. Empowering clients and removing blocks to create abundance in all areas of their lives.
Jas is a qualified practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Re-imprinting and The Journey. Her clients often say you get the benefit of three powerful therapies in one session. Jas creates a safe space for her clients to discover the cause of their issue, working in partnership with them to achieve resolution. To name a few she has worked with adults and children with physical pain, depression, anxiety, body confidence and cravings. Stress for new mums, bereavement, exam stress.

For more info see www.jasdale.com